Friday, September 16, 2011

Exposing Myself

I feel that every now and then we bloggers should go off topic and reveal a bit about ourselves no matter how ugly. Have a great weekend and stop by the Lovaland Art Show Sunday.


  1. You didn't sing!
    Just finished watching a YouTube video of PP & M that a friend posted in FB. Led me to one of Mary & Joan Baez singing "Lonesome Valley" which led me to Mary, Mama Cass & Joni Mitchell singing "I Shall Be Released" and then to Joni singing "Long Black Veil" with Johnny Cash. Had to quit or I'd have been on YouTube all day. Need to go back though when I have more time to view the tribute to Mary Travers. Great, great music......

  2. I was waiting for you to SING!
    Applause Applause Applause!!!! That was great, nice way to start my day :)

  3. Freight train, freight going so fast - love it! Thanks for helping me start my day with a smile!

  4. That was so cool! Thank you for sharing

  5. My singing voice is best used to drown out my picking.

  6. Wonderful, and here I thought you were going skinny dipping. Ha.

  7. Thanks everyone. Linda, skinny dipping in public? Not doing that AGAIN!

  8. So serious! :-) One of my fondest memories is of a concert (probably close to one of her last) Libby Cotten gave in a small auditorium at Washington State University in about 1980.


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