Friday, September 5, 2014


I was cleaning off my desk this morning and I discovered that the show I thought was the 14th is this Sunday Sept. 7 !  I did glaze this week and have a kiln about ready to unload so I'll be fine but it was a good save at about the last minute. Hope to see you. 11 to 5 Nisbit Park,  Loveland, Ohio.  Here's what I've been working on instead of the Pottery. The pottery pays very little and this pays a whole lot less.


  1. omg, that sounds like something I would do, good luck getting ready and selling.

  2. ahhhh, George Jones, no better songs out there! very nice, happy selling :)

  3. so you're telling us your rich! :)
    hope it was a success!

  4. Sandy, so far the few shows I have done have been good. One more tomorrow then not til Christmas. I'll post a run down next week.


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