Saturday was drippy but there were people downtown. I engaged the crowd and found a number of appreciative people but "atta boys" don't pay the bills and it was extremely difficult to close a sale.I ended the day with two sales and some "be backs". The crowd had come for the yard sales and concrete lawn angels, not for Art. This was very apparent. It was also clear that the economic recovery has not reached the hinterlands.It was not an upscale crowd and people just didn't have any extra money to get themselves something nice.
Sunday dawned a little brighter.One of my "be backs" had actually come back after I closed Saturday and left a phone number with a neighboring vendor. I called her and she wants three pots which I can deliver as she lives in my area. The crowd was a little more upscale Sunday and I sold better than I had Saturday, including a very large covered jar that really helped tip the balance. Three days like Sunday would have made a good weekend. I need to look for some better shows next year.
The good news is that things are progressing on the home studio. The back yard has been excavated and leveled, most bids are in for construction and I have agreed to buy a slightly used Bailey gas kiln at a great price. Hopefully, I'll be set up by the first of the year.